Monday, January 23, 2012

Connectivism Mindmap (Module 4)

How has your network changed the way you learn? 

Technology has advanced at a high rate of speed. There are many diverse tools that we can now use to learn new information. In the past, we had to depend on resources located at the library to research information. I know that I am dating myself; however, I can remember when there was a card catalog in the library. Encyclopedias offered a wealth of information. I remember when a sales person came by our home; my dad bought a set for us to use. I still have the set in my possession. Today, we rarely have to leave our home or work place to do research. At the touch of our fingertips, we have a wealth of information about diverse topics of interest. The Internet has changed the way we learn in so many different ways. We have more resources than could be imagined at our disposal. Socialization, research, advanced degrees, and communication in general have been changed in a positive way. Networking has made it easier for us to learn, and it has provided us with more to learn.

Which digital tools best facilitate learning for you?

The online tool that best facilitates learning for me has been the distance learning courses that I’ve taken at Walden University. I have had an awesome experience at Walden University. I have learned to use a variety of digital tools that enhance my learning experience. For example, the instructional design at Walden allows us to use email, chat, Skype, Google documents, discussion forums, wikis, and blogs.  

How do you learn new knowledge when you have questions? 

The instructors are eager to communicate and to clarify any instructions that are not precise. I learn new knowledge through collaboration with my instructor, learning communities, and colleagues through various technological tools. The search engine Google is my favorite, and it provides me with many answers about various questions. 

I responded to Margaret Hale and David Davis.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sandra,

    I can't believe I have met someone else who still has a print encyclopedia set. While technology is wonderful, I have to admit to still using my 1970 Encyclopedia Britanica to browse for general information on topics. I love the pages and the images - especially being able to hold them in my hands.

    As you mentioned the social networking aspects of today's learning, don't you think it is amazing at the varying perspectives that we can discover throughout the internet. There used to be a time when the only "expert" opinions we received came from our instructors or those fortunate to be publised in journals we could access.

    Great post!
