Friday, February 17, 2012

Learning in a Digital World (Module 6)

What impact do you believe technology has on the way you learn?

Google! Google! Google! Do you love the search engines that are available to research topics? Learning in the digital world is effective and efficient in this technologically savvy society. Research engines allow learners to research databases that provide a wealth of knowledge immediately. For example, Walden University offers resources that provide scholarly written journal articles that relate to relevant topics of study. My ability to learn through online courses does differ from my ability to learn in a face to face learning environment. In accordance with Driscoll (2005), the learning environment offers an environment with situated possibilities and constraints. Furthermore, the online learning environment provides a scope of what is possible for the learner to learn through appropriate instructional methods and media. Surely, one of the great attributes of online learning in the digital world for me is the flexibility of time to work a job and to gain a higher education. This would not be feasible for me if I had to commute to a college every day; it is imperative that I work. 

In what ways do you learn differently in an online environment from the way you learned in a face-to-face learning environment?  

Resources are provided in the digital world that promotes communication, collaboration, and diverse resources. Learning in the digital world offers many degree opportunities. Communication in the digital world is provided through discussion forums, wikis, blogs, email, Google documents, Skype, and numerous other tools. Communication using these tools differs from the way you would communicate in a face to face learning environment. I learn differently in an online environment using the constructivist theory. I learn by doing. The learning is more self-oriented than teacher facilitated. Furthermore, I am in control of using my own strengths. For example, I am a visual learner, and I can choose the theories and learning styles that provide the most successful learning experience. 

What do you believe is critical and non-negotiable in teaching and learning?

It is critical and non-negotiable in teaching and learning that the expectations are clearly defined through goals, instructions, objectives, assignments, and collaboration. The knowledge presented must be aligned with state and national standards. Feedback from instructors to students must be continuous. The instructional design must target a diverse group of learners. Educators must knowledgeable and trained effectively to work with online students and face to face students. 


Driscoll, M. P. (2005). Psychology of learning for instruction (3rd ed.).
Boston, MA: Pearson Education.

I responded to Toni Toney and Debra Morris.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Module (5) Blog Post

New Technologies

Briefly describe a situation in which you have encouraged people to use a new technology and have been met with resistance or disappointing results. What attitudes did these people exhibit? What behaviors did they demonstrate?

As an educator, I have had the opportunity to come across people that can’t function without the use of technology, and some people that do not want to use technology. Perhaps, it would be better worded to say that some educators prefer outdated technology. Some teachers were discussing some of the old technology of the past and these were discussed:  chalk board and chalk, film strip projectors, and overhead projectors.  In the past few years, our school district has begun to update out technology. The promethean smart board and the mimio board were the two technological tools being installed in all classrooms. The mimio board was a little less expensive than the smart white board. When the funds got low, the classrooms without the smart boards got the mimio boards. They both are awesome technology tools to me.

 It was in our training sessions that I noted the hesitancy among some my peers to integrate new technology in the classroom. You could feel the negative reception by body language, and there were some comments. Then there were some that felt intimidated by the new technology. Most of the comments had to do with our already tight budget. Some stated that they felt that we did not have the funds to be purchasing such expensive technology when teachers were being furloughed, and teachers losing their jobs. I really could not disagree with that point. However, I did welcome the technology. Uncertain about this new technology and how it would affect our day to day lives in the classroom, there were teachers that embraced the new technology and some that rejected it.  The training session to help each of us become familiar with the smart board and mimio was exceptional. We were all given the opportunity to learn how to integrate this technology in our classroom.

Using Keller’s ARCS model, describe how you could change the motivation of these people, or learners, to encourage success. 

The ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction) model is a problem solving approach to designing the motivational aspects of learning environments to stimulate and sustain students’ motivation to learn (Keller, 1983, 1984, 1987).  

Promote Attention – The promethean boards and the mimio boards will help to capture the students’ attention. Teachers will be more effective in their instruction when they are able to capture the attention of their students by using technology in their lessons. Students get to engage in their lessons by using the technology.

Improve Relevance – Educate instructors about how efficient technology is in instructional delivery. Information will be up-to-date and relevant to goal, objective, and standard. Training would allow teachers to have hands on experiences using these tools to learn how important technology can be to the instructor and learner.

Build Confidence – Teachers and students must have hands on experiences to build confidence.

Promote Satisfaction – Educational training, hands on experiences, and gained confidence in using the new technology will lead to satisfaction. Some teachers are already stating that they don’t know how they taught any of the disciplines without technology. Then there are teachers that are still reluctant to use this awesome technology to its full potential. 


Keller, J. M. (1983). Motivational design of instruction. In C. M. Reigeluth (Ed.), Instructional-design theories and models: An overview of their current status. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Keller, J. M. (1984). The use of the ARCS model of motivation in teacher training. In K. Shaw & A. J. Trott (Eds.), Aspects of Educational Technology Volume XVII: staff Development and Career Updating. London: Kogan Page.

Keller, J. M. (1987). Development and use of the ARCS model of motivational design. Journal of Instructional Development, 10(3), 2 – 10.

I responded to Fred Davis' blog and Karen Wondergem's blog.