What impact do you believe technology has on the way you learn?
Google! Google! Google! Do you love the search engines that are available to research topics? Learning in the digital world is effective and efficient in this technologically savvy society. Research engines allow learners to research databases that provide a wealth of knowledge immediately. For example, Walden University offers resources that provide scholarly written journal articles that relate to relevant topics of study. My ability to learn through online courses does differ from my ability to learn in a face to face learning environment. In accordance with Driscoll (2005), the learning environment offers an environment with situated possibilities and constraints. Furthermore, the online learning environment provides a scope of what is possible for the learner to learn through appropriate instructional methods and media. Surely, one of the great attributes of online learning in the digital world for me is the flexibility of time to work a job and to gain a higher education. This would not be feasible for me if I had to commute to a college every day; it is imperative that I work.
In what ways do you learn differently in an online environment from the way you learned in a face-to-face learning environment?
Resources are provided in the digital world that promotes communication, collaboration, and diverse resources. Learning in the digital world offers many degree opportunities. Communication in the digital world is provided through discussion forums, wikis, blogs, email, Google documents, Skype, and numerous other tools. Communication using these tools differs from the way you would communicate in a face to face learning environment. I learn differently in an online environment using the constructivist theory. I learn by doing. The learning is more self-oriented than teacher facilitated. Furthermore, I am in control of using my own strengths. For example, I am a visual learner, and I can choose the theories and learning styles that provide the most successful learning experience.
What do you believe is critical and non-negotiable in teaching and learning?
It is critical and non-negotiable in teaching and learning that the expectations are clearly defined through goals, instructions, objectives, assignments, and collaboration. The knowledge presented must be aligned with state and national standards. Feedback from instructors to students must be continuous. The instructional design must target a diverse group of learners. Educators must knowledgeable and trained effectively to work with online students and face to face students.
Driscoll, M. P. (2005). Psychology of learning for instruction (3rd ed.).
Boston, MA: Pearson Education.
I responded to Toni Toney and Debra Morris.
ReplyDeleteYou are so right! Google can pinpoint you to the point that you cannot use other blogs. I have a WordPress blog. Since I responsed to you, I cannot publish my blog under WordPress. It allows me to use EduBlog from Google :) Ahha-Technology.
I must say as an adult. Online learning will introduce you to yourself. I teach at a local community college. I am using technology in the classroom because students are complaining about the technology activites in an online class. I believe by acknowledge these tools, the students will learn to love technology as a tool that carries opportunities and growth through a life-long learners.
Carolyn Bonham-Shears
DeleteThat is too funny! I just wanted you to know that I had been reading your posts. Technology is great; however, there are some cliches that can slow ya down.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. It seems like anytime something crosses my mind now, I "google" it. I recently was made aware of some "hot- new" technologies. Have you ever heard of wolframalph.com? I think it will become my new best friend. It answers questions for you (in exact-percise language). With this site, you can compare two things (it will chart out the information), it answers math problems for you, gives nutrition values, gives a night time sky chart of the stars, and so much more. It will be awesome to use with students. One example given was looking up exact fact about today's earthquakes. For older students, it will compare all aspects of colleges they might be interested in. All the student has to do is type in two college names.
ReplyDeleteYou stated that learning in an online learning environment is much different than learning in a face-to-face environment, as the use of technology is more of a requirement. You also stated that you personally learn by doing. Do you think that emphasizing this element into the "traditional" classroom setting, will begin to equalize learning in both settings, as distance learning seeks to establish a balance between the two.
I really don't know which I prefer...face-to-face learning or online learning. I some cases I like online learning because it allows me to learn on my own time. With a career and a family, it is sometimes hard to sit in a classroom knowing that your family has needs at home. However, I also like the face-to-face learning due to the advantage of being guided through the learning process. And if I have questions or need help, I can get my help in real time from a present person. Which do you prefer? BV